
German: Story-Based Instruction

These five week classes are sold individually for $150 per person $200 per family. The goal of these classes is to laugh and draw and sing and learn language taught within the context of a fairytale.

Here is a listing of mini German language classes taught within the context of German fairytales.

Surely you know the story of a little girl and little boy whose father loves them very much, but his second wife: not so much. And when it comes down to not having enough food for the wife and her spouse, she loves them even less. The children find themselves very much alone in the woods facing a fearsome witch.

This fairy tale was written down by the Brothers Grimm as they collected folktales in and around Germany between 1812 and 1857. They collected and compiled stories from peasants, farmers and storytellers. The brothers were interested in preserving the cultural heritage of their homeland, and they saw folktales as a valuable expression of the Germanic spirit.

Now you have the opportunity to enjoy this tale an learn a little bit of the language spoken by Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm.

Der Froschkönig/The Frog King/The Frog Prince written down by the Brothers Grimm

This is another little known story by the Grimm Brothers. It contains a little bit of icky and eeewwww and yuck in it. However we might feel about a slimy frog, it is still important to fulfill the promises we make.

How many cities do you know of that have monuments honoring a fairy tale. Here we see the bronze statue dedicated to the animals in the story, The Bremen Town Musicians, in front of the City Hall in the city of Bremen in northern Germany. German veterinary schools also have statues of the animal musicians.

Can you find the town of Bremen on the map of Germany?

This is yet another story written down by the Brothers Grimm. This class by that title is an opportunity to hear the story and learn a little bit of German, the language of Wilhelm and ...Grimm. Within the context of the story we wil also learn the names of animals, colors and more in German.

Bremer Stadtmusikanten

Everyone knows the story of the Pied Piper, right? We certainly know at least one or the other version. The adult version represented a real occurance. The creation of version after version has made the story more appropriate for younger minds.

It is a cautionary tale reccommending that you do what you promiss to do, and in all fairytales, there is some mysterious magic involved.

der Rattenfänger

Der Rattenfänger Von Hamlin/The Pied Piper written down by theBrothers Grimm

Here is another story so famous that the city of Hamlin has many a statue in it's honor. The entire city has references to this tale.

Can you find the city of Hamlin on the map of Germany?

This fairytale is a gem and one of the Gimm Brothers lessor known stories. It is the story of royal children that manage difficulty with good heart. The young princess cares for her willful brother, and the love of their mother reaches through the veil between the worlds to help them through hard times. And if you love animals.....well!

Der Froschkönig/The Frog King/The Frog Prince written down by the Brothers Grimm

This is another little known story by the Grimm Brothers. It contains a little bit of icky and eeewwww and yuck in it. However we might feel about a slimy frog, it is still important to fulfill the promises we make.

Der Froschkönig/The Frog King/The Frog Prince written down by the Brothers Grimm

This is another little known story by the Grimm Brothers. It contains a little bit of icky and eeewwww and yuck in it. However we might feel about a slimy frog, it is still important to fulfill the promises we make.

Rumpelstiltzchen written down by the Brothers Grimm

There are times when we all need a little help from our friends, especially when you have a father who gets you into trouble with his boasting and greed. However, there is good is good help and bad help. Bad help is what the miller's daughter runs into when she is trying to do the impossible.

How is she ever going to get out of this one?

Find out in this fairytale and learn German at the same time.


Schneewittchen/Snow White written down by the Brothers Grimm

Schneewittchen Class