
Spanish: Story-Based Instruction

These five week classes are sold individually for $150 per person $200 per family. The goal of these classes is to laugh and draw and sing and learn language taught within the context of a folk tale.

Here is a listing of mini Spanish language classes taught within the context of Spanish folktales.

La largatija y el sol/The Lzard and the Sun 

What would we do if the sun stopped shining for good? We would freeze. Nothing would grow. We would be depressed, and we would starve. If someone saved us, wouldn´t they be heros? This is a Mayan legend of how one small creature set out on a quest to save the world.

For more information about this story-based Spanish class for young people and the young at heart, click on the image below.

El fuego y el tlacuache/The Fire and the Possum a legend from the Mazatecs in Mexico

The term "Mazateca" refers to the Mazatec people or language. The Mazatec are an indigenous group in Mexico, primarily residing in the state of Oaxaca. If you're referring to the language, it is called Mazatec as well.

Some people do not like tlacuaches/possums.  They say they are ugly; they say they carry diseases.  Others say that they help get rid of ticks and othe unpleasant bugs.  One thing is sure, and that is the Mazatecas celebrated tlacuaches for having made their lives so much easier.  In this class you can find out why.

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